Tuesday, February 3, 2009

iPhone Leading the Smartphone Gaming Charge

We are now finding out from a new study that smartphone gaming is becoming popular very fast. If offers personal connectivity and productivity. The old top seller for a phone was a RAZR and from a new comScore study shows that the iPhone is leading the smartphone gaming charge.

In November of 2007 there was not one smartphone that was on the top 10 list of phones used for mobile downloads. A year later in 2008 there were 6 or the top 10 phones listed as smartphones leading by 8gb iPhone 3g. The people using smartphones nearly tripled going from 734,000 to nearly three million.

The next phone that was on the list was the 8gb iPhone then the 16 gb iPhone is number seven. The BlackBerry Curve 8330 and Curve 8310 make the appearance of a smartphone. The Samsung Instinct and the LG Voyager also make appearances among the top 10 gaming phones. The iPhone makes a great gaming platform that is continuing to grow in popularity.

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