The netbook comes complete with ha 10 inch monitor with a 1024 x 600 pixel display, 1GB of RAM, 3 USB ports, 160GB hard drive, a 1.3MP or 2MP webcam, and a 802.11b/g or 802.11b/gn networking card with optional bluetooth. This laptop looks to maximize mobility and make your life more convenient. Wether you're watching a movie at home, working from a cafe, or browsing online while on vacation you can be sure that this laptop will keep up with you. The power efficient design of the U110 ECO makes it so you can keep surfing, blogging, and communicating with the world whenever you need to.
Although I wouldn't expect this laptop to be running high performance graphics and programs, its upgraded mobility functions are more than enough compensation for those who are truly on the go and need maximum battery life at all times.
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