Dr. Steven Deneberg, a Omaha, Nebraska plastic surgeon has created his own iPhone app. It allows his patients to choose a procedure without even stepping foot into his office. iPhone or iPod Touch users can download it, pick a procedure and see examples of potential procedures. It even allows them to email the doctor with photos of their problem areas and receive feedback without having to have an appointment.
Deneberg says he created the app himself, "I bought a stack of manuals and taught myself how to program it and this is what happened," he told KETV in Nebraska. But he is no stranger to innovation. In the 90's, he was one of the first plastic surgeons to take his business to the internet, launching his own website with hundreds of pictures.
When the app was finished, Deneberg tested it and had it approved by Apple. It's the first app of its kind. Dr. Deneberg has also started a company to develop iPhone apps for plastic surgeons, cosmetic dentists, and anyone else in the medical field who could benefit from showing photograph to their patients.